Sustainability Governance
In 2021, SIT formed a sustainability governance team to demonstrate its commitment to achieving sustainable success and addressing the Company’s and its key stakeholders’ ESG needs in a precise and systematic manner. The team’s responsibilities include defining, adopting, reporting on, and monitoring the “Made to Matter” Sustainability Plan.:
• Corporate Sustainability Director, a Director with specific ESG-related powers and the responsibility of coordinating the group’s Sustainability Plan, associated policies, and improvement objectives, in addition to promoting stakeholder engagement and communication;
• Sustainability Steering Committee, a multi-division management committee that is run by the Corporate Sustainability Director and is responsible for defining and implementing the Sustainability Plan and achieving the relevant objectives, including in relation to the Non-Financial Statement (NFS);
• Sustainability Mission Leaders: a multi-department team led by the Corporate Sustainability Director and composed by company representatives who have been entrusted with specific responsibilities, such as setting policies and goals, executing projects, and reporting results related to sustainability;
• Sustainability Officer & Corporate Team: a working group that is chaired by the Sustainability Officer and comprises employees with specific ESG skills. The team takes the operational actions defined in the Sustainability Plan and reports on the results, including in relation to the NFS, thereby contributing to the promotion of a “culture of sustainability”;
• Sustainability Local Units: – specialized units that have been set up across the organization at international level and represent a point of reference for ESG topics and the promotion of ESG culture.