Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee
The Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee comprises 3 (three) Non-Executive Directors, the majority of whom independent, in accordance with the requirements of the Self-Governance Code. The Chairperson of the Committee is chosen from among the Independent Directors.
The Committee supports through appropriate proposal and consultative activities the assessments and decisions of the Board of Directors with regards to:
- the Internal Control and Risk Management System;
- the approval of the periodic financial reports; and
- sustainability, i.e. the company’s set of processes, initiatives and activities regarding the environmental, social and other aspects of its activities.
The Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee, in its current formation, was appointed by Board of Directors’ motion of May 03, 2023 as follows:
Bettina Campedelli graduated with honors in Economics and Commerce in 1985, earning the qualification to practice as a Chartered Accountant since the following year. She has been a member of the Register of Auditors since 1995. From 1988 to 1992 she worked as a researcher in Business Economics at the University of Verona and was an Associate Professor in Business Economics first at the University of Bergamo and then at the University of Milan – Bicocca. She was a professor at the LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome for the teaching of Cost Analysis and Accounting. Since 2000 she is Full Professor at the University of Verona where she teaches the courses of Planning and Control, Corporate Auditing and Control Systems. She held numerous positions within industrial and financial companies and is currently a director of Aeffe spa, FVS Sgr Spa, ICM S.p.a. and member of the board of statutory auditors of Calpeda spa.
Independent Non-executive Board Member in large listed and family-controlled companies (Amplifon, Danieli, Esprinet and Sit – with cumulative revenues 12+ Bn Euro), with 25+ years as Executive, she leverages a deep understanding of global markets and industry trends (both geopolitical and technology-driven).
Fulbright Scholar and BCG-er, with double MBA degree, she is now Adjunct Professor at LUISS Business School in “Supply Chain and Technology”, focusing on AI-Science-based transformation in Post-Covid Operations.
Her executive career from 1999 to 2018 included pivotal roles like Head of Supply Chain at WorldWide level at the Boston Consulting Group, General Manager at Candy Service and COO at Luxury Living (turnaround), directly managing 500+ people (white and blue collar) and indirectly 2.500 service partners.
First Managing Director of Angels4Women, the only group of Business Angels investing solely on women-led innovative start-ups, she actively managed relationships with all investors and partners. Business Angel with more than 10+ active investments (e.g., “Deesup” and “Futurely”), following up through A-type growth phase.
She helped shaping the Advisory Board of Trusty, a start-up active in the cocoa and coffee global supply chains, with a as-a-service blockchain-based platform.
Giorgio Martorelli graduated in 2000 with a degree in Business Administration at the University “Luigi Bocconi” in Milan. He began his professional career in 2001 as a Junior Analyst on the Italian stock market at Euromobiliare SIM S.p.A (March 2001 – June 2001) and then at Unicredit Banca Mobiliare S.p.A. From 2002 to 2007 Giorgio Martorelli worked as Investment Manager of equity funds in the Euro area at Ubi Pramerica SGR S.p.A. Since February 2007 he works at Amber Capital Italia SGR S.p.A. where he holds the position of portfolio manager of the Alpha UCITS Amber Equity Fund and buy-side analyst for the funds managed by Amber Capital UK LLP. Previously, Giorgio Martorelli was a member of Board of Director and a member of the Control and Risk Committee of Ascopiave S.p.A. (April 2017 – February 2020) and he held the position of director in the Board of Director and member of the Control and Risk Committee of Save S.p.A. (April 2015 – September 2017). He currently holds the position of Director of Amber Capital Italia SGR S.p.A (since January 2014) and Chief Executive Officer of Amber Capital Italia SGR S.p.A. (since January 2017).