Share Capital

The share capital, subscribed and paid-in, amounted at January 12th, 2022 to Euro 96.162.195,00, comprising 25.110.209 shares without express nominal value.

The development of the Share Capital from the initial date of trading on the AIM Market of July 20, 2017 is outlined below.

Share Capital €No. ordinary sharesNominal Value €No. special sharesN. perf. sharesNo. Warrants
July 20, 2017 96,149,297.0022,047,225240,572 250,0005,350,000

August 11, 201796,149,297.00 23,731,229 250,000 5,350,000
December 31, 201796,149,519.20 23,733,451 250,0005,229,733
December 31, 2018 96,151,920.60 23,757,465 250,000 5,224,733
April 16, 201996,151,920.60 25,007,465 5,224,733
June 30, 2019 96,151,920.6025,007,465 5,224,733
December 31, 2019 96,151,920.60 25,007,465 5,224,733
December 13, 2021 96,160,130.00 25,089,559 4,744,367
January 12, 202296.162.195,0025.110.2094.604.367

On July 20, 2017, with the Merger by incorporation of the S.P.A.C. Industrial Stars of Italy 2 S.p.a. into SIT becoming effective, the share capital increase from Euro 73,579,000.00 to Euro 96,149,297.00 became effective, with the issue, in service of the share swap, of 5,050,000 Ordinary Shares, 240,572 Special Shares and the conversion of 250,000 Ordinary Shares into an equal number of Performance Shares; simultaneously, SIT issued 5,350,000 Warrants.

In addition, following the automatic conversion of all SIT Special Shares into Ordinary Shares, on August 11, 2017, 240,572 Special Shares were cancelled and 1,684,004 Ordinary SIT Shares issued, without a change in the Share Capital.

In 2017, a total of 120,267 Warrants were exercised, with the consequent issue of a total of 2,222 Ordinary Shares in 2017 (in addition to 23,157 ordinary shares at the beginning of 2018 in view of the timing necessary to conclude the conversion transaction), in addition to a share capital increase of Euro 222.20 (in addition to Euro 2,315.70 at the beginning of 2018 in view of the timing necessary to conclude the conversion transaction). Following the exercise of a total of 5,000 Warrants, in 2018, 857 Ordinary Shares were issued with a consequent share capital increase of Euro 85.70. 

On April 16, 2019, the process concluded for the automatic conversion of the 250,000 Performance Shares into 1,250,000 ordinary shares, launched by the Board of Directors at the meeting of March 22, 2019, in execution of the By-Law provisions. 

Following the exercise of a total of 620,366 Warrants, in 2021, 102,744 Ordinary Shares were issued with a consequent share capital increase of Euro 10,274.40.